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Wouter Osterholt & Elke Uitentuis
Sanatci Konusmasi_Artist Talk
28.03.2011_Pts / Mon_18:00 / 6 pm_PiST///
Dolapdere Caddesi
Pangalti Dere Sokak
No 8 A/B/C
Pangalti 34375
Istanbul TR
PiST/// Disiplinlerarasi Proje Alani* Ocak 2011'den itibaren, arastirma ve uretim odakli, uluslararasi bir misafir sanatci programi baslatti
.** Bu sene Danimarka ve Hollanda’dan dokuz sanatcinin yeni isler uretmek icin Istanbul'da misafir edilecegi bu programda tum sanatcilar Pazartesi Konusmalari*** serisinde isleri hakkinda sunumlar da gerceklestirecek. Bu serinin ilk konusmacilari Hollandali sanatcilar Wouter Osterholt (1979) ve Elke Uitentuis (1977).
Osterholt/Uitentuis farkli politik ilgi alanlarini haritalamak icin platformlar ya da islevsel objeler tasarliyorlar. Hassas konularin, konusulmayan fikirlerin ve hayallerin tartisilip analiz edilebilecegi kosullar olusturuyorlar. Onlar, sanati belli bir surecin son urunu olarak gormuyor, bunun yerine, yeni olaylar ve iliskilere (ön) kosullar olusturmak icin kullaniyorlar. Katilimcilarin aktif olarak rol aldigi sosyal deneylerden faydalanarak, varolan durumu sorgulayip, insanlar farkli bir dunyayi hayal ederken ne dereceye kadar ozgurdur sorusunu gozden geciriyorlar.Pazartesi Konusmalari'nin ilk sunumu 28 Mart 2011, saat 18:00’de PiST'de gerceklesecek. Temmuz 2011'e kadar 4 sanatci konusmasi daha yapilacaktir. Katiliminizi bekliyoruz.
PiST/// Pazartesi Konusmalari
28.03.2011_Wouter Osterholt & Elke Uitentuis_18:00_osterholtuitentuis.nl
* PiST/// Disiplinlerarasi Proje Alani sanatcilar Didem Ozbek ve Osman Bozkurt yonetiminde kar amaci gutmeyen, bagimsiz bir sanat mekanidir. PiST/// Foundation of Arts Initiatives ve Istanbul Guncel Sanat Dernegi'ne desteklerinden dolayi tesekkur eder.
PiST'in arastirma ve uretim odakli bu uluslararasi misafir sanatci programi
The Danish Arts Agency ve Fonds BKVB / Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts , Design and Architecture'in ortakligiyla gerceklestirilmektedir.
*** Simultane ceviri imkanimiz olmadigindan Pazartesi Konusmalari Ingilizce gerceklesecektir.
PiST/// Interdisciplinary Project Space* initiated an international research and production in residency program by January 2011.** During this year PiST/// will host nine artists from Denmark and
the Netherlands
to produce new work in Istanbul. The resident artists will make a presentation about their works at PiST/// as a part of the Monday Talks*** series as well. This first speakers of this series will be Dutch artists Wouter Osterholt (1979) and Elke Uitentuis (1977).
Osterholt/Uitentuis design platforms or functional objects in order to map different political interests. They create circumstances in which sensitive topics, unspoken ideas and dreams can be discussed and analysed. They do not consider art as an endresult of a particular process, but use it instead to create (pre) conditions for new events and relations. Through the use of social experiments in which the public is actively involved, they try to question the existing situation and examine to what degree people are free to imagine a different world.
The first series of Monday Talks will take place on March 28th, 2011, at 6 pm. Until July 2011 there will be 4 more artist talks at PiST///. We look forward to see you all in the sessions.
PiST/// Monday Talks
28.03.2011_Wouter Osterholt & Elke Uitentuis_6 pm_osterholtuitentuis.nl
* PiST/// Interdisciplinary Project Space is a non-profit, independent art space co-directed by artists Didem Ozbek and Osman Bozkurt. PiST/// would like to thank the support of the Foundation of Arts Initiatives and Istanbul Guncel Sanat Dernegi.
** PiST's international research and production in residency program is realised in partnership with The Danish Arts Agency and Fonds BKVB / Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts , Design and Architecture.
*** The Monday Talks will be in English.
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