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Oreet Ashery
Sabetay Sevi ve Diğer Egolar / Shabbtai Zvi and Other Alter Egos
Sanatçı Konuşması / Artist Talk
01.04.09 Çarşamba / Wednesday
18:30 / 6.30 pm
Dolapdere Caddesi
Pangaltı Dere Sokak
No 8 A/B/C
Pangaltı 34375
İstanbul TR
Londra’da yaşayan sanatçı Oreet Ashery 1 Nisan 2009, Çarşamba günü saat 18:30’da PiST’te çalışmalarıyla ilgili bir konuşma gerçekleştirecek. 27 Mart-7 Nisan tarihleri arasında projeleriyle ilgili araştırma yapmak için İstanbul’da bulunacak ve PiST’in ilk misafir sanatçısı olacak.
Oreet Ashery, farklı medyumlar aracılığıyla interaktif ve performatif sanat etkinlikleri düzenleyen, video, 2 boyutlu isler ureten, obje, metin ve interneti kullanarak çalışan bir sanatçı. Ashery uzun zamandır Musevilik, ırk, cinsiyet ve Arap/Müslüman dünyası üzerine işler üretiyor. İşlerinde sıklıkla farklı karakterlere bürünüyor. Bunlardan bazıları tavşan, siyah adam, Norveçli postacı, şişman çiftçi ve Arap adam karakterleri.
Son olarak Ashery 17. yüzyılda yaşamış Sahte Mesih Sabetay Sevi’yi de performanslarında yeni bir karakter olarak kullanmaya başladı. Oreet Ashery'nin Sabetay Sevi ve Diğer Egolar* başlıklı konuşması için 1 Nisan, Çarşamba günü saat 18:30’da hepinizi PiST’e bekliyoruz!
*Konuşma İngilizce olacaktır.
London based artist Oreet Ashery will give a talk* about her work at PiST on April 1st, 2009, Wednesday at 6.30 pm. Ashery is the first artist-in residence at PiST who will stay in Istanbul for her project research.
Ashery is a context- responsive visual artist working across mediums in interactive performance art events, video, 2-D image making, objects, text and the internet. Ashery’s practice looks at personal politics and its complex relationship to social and political realities, notions of identity and subjectivity, and at the nature of what an art practice might be.
Ashery has an ongoing interest in the intersections between Jewishness, race, gender and the Arab and Muslim world. The project Welcome Home that started in 2004 is an investigation into the Palestinian Right to Return and other projects within an anti-Occupation remit.
Frequently Ashery will produce work as a character. Her characters include a rabbit, a black man, a Norwegian postman, a fat farmer and an Arab man, among others. Marcus Fisher, an orthodox Jewish man is Ashery’s most consistent character. Recently Ashery developed a new character based on the controversial 17th century false messiah Shabbtai Zvi. Throughout his life Shabbtai conducted a series of ‘Strange Acts’ akin to much performance work, like walking with a fish dressed in baby clothes in a pram, he converted from Judaism to Islam later on in life.
Ashery's work has been shown extensively in the UK and internationally in museums, galleries, cinemas, biennials, festivals and site-specific locations. Most recently at the: ZKM | Tate Modern, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Brooklyn Museum, Pompidou Centre, Liverpool Biennial, EDS Gallery, Mexico City, Freud museum, OK Centre for Contemporary Art, Linz.
Ashery's work has been published and discussed in numerous books, academic and art publications in many languages including: Bidoun, Frieze, Art Monthly, Art Forum, Contemporary, Time Out, the Village Voice, Circa, Flash Art, Dazed & Confused, Map, Heeb, Sleezenation among others. And in books including Art Tomorrow, Art in the Age of Terrorism, Blasphemy and Biographies and Space.
The book Dancing with Men, charting ten years of interactive performance work, published by the Live Art Development Agency and the collaborative graphic novel, the Novel of Nonel and Vovel with the artist Larissa Sansour, published by Charta, will be available in Spring 2009.
Ashery has been given public talks about her works at the ICA, Whitechapel, Gallery, Tate Modern, Royal Academy, Goldsmith College, Chelsea College, to mention a few.
Ashery has been engaged with educational work for years, including public art projects and community based projects, as well as teaching in academic contexts. Ashery currently holds a creative fellowship in Queen Mary University Drama department.
We look forward to seeing you at PiST on Oreet Ashery's talk about Shabbtai Zvi and Other Alter Egos. On April 1st, 2009, Wednesday at 6.30 pm.
*The talk will be in English.
Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It's always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained!
- John
Thanks for thhis blog post
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